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HomeCovid Guidelines

SCCCC Covid Guidelines

Covid Guidelines: Risks, Privacy and Safety

Dear SCCCC Member,
In an effort to begin opening up Club Rides, we need to manage them effectively as we still have Covid Social restrictions. Towards that end, it is imperative that all people taking part in these rides adhere to our stated conditions so that we have a positive experience and can begin a more open situation for future rides. Here are our stated standards:

There is risk in all gatherings, since people without symptoms can transmit COVID-19. Participation in club rides is voluntary. Members assume the full and complete risk that is associated with exposure to and infection by COVID-19 during such participation. Please note that in the event SCCCC is asked by the department of public health for a list of riders participating in any club ride for purposes of Covid-19 exposure tracing, SCCCC will comply with such requests.

In order to keep our riders safe and stay in compliance with local regulations, the following guidelines are now in effect for all club rides. Ride leaders are being directed to ask riders not in compliance to leave the ride. As we navigate these changes during the ongoing pandemic, club rides will be open to SCCCC members only.


We know you know the drill by now but please do not come on a club ride if you have tested positive for Covid-19  in the last 14 days, or in the last 14 days have been in contact with anyone who tested positive. Or if you are feeling sick or currently have any of the following symptoms : sore throat, fever, loss of taste or smell, headache, congestion, nausea, or vomiting. 

Ride Guidelines

Riders must maintain a safe distance from each other at all times - minimum of six feet or use the two second rule to determine safe distances. Conditions such as headwinds or downhills may necessitate wider distances. Use good judgment and follow ride leader directives.

 All riders must have a face covering (eg. mask, bandana, neck gaiter/buff or other without vents) to be worn at the start of each ride and when you encounter a situation in which you are not able to maintain six feet of distance from anyone outside your household (eg. during regroups, red lights, passing other cyclists).

Signing up before the start of each ride is mandatory to facilitate contact tracing if a rider becomes ill. Please maintain a 6’ distance from the ride leader and each other at the ride start. 

Riders are encouraged to download routes or print route sheets, if available, before the ride.


In order to maintain proper distancing during rides, drafting and pace lines are not recommended.

No spitting or blowing noses into the air during rides.

Availability of water and restrooms may be limited so plan your intake and distances accordingly.

Thank you for all that you’re doing to keep our community safe. Enjoy your rides !

(updated 04/19/2021)