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HomeRide Leader Guidelines

Ride Leader Guidelines

  1. Introduce yourself as the Ride Leader and ask for any volunteers willing to help lead or sweep.
  2. Ask if there are any new members or guests present. Welcome them and ask them to introduce themselves to the group.
  3. Keep a count of any non-members so that you can report that to the SCCC President after the ride.
  4. Announce the regroup points and food stops/post-ride hangout locations. Announce your regroup policy and whether or not there will be a sweep for slower-paced riders.
  5. Remind Riders that they are subject to the California vehicle code and should be knowledgeable of it. Riders should be alert at all times and ride predictably using their signals and call outs.
  6. Ask that riders notify you or another rider before abandoning or deviating from the announced route.
  7. Advise that each rider is responsible for their own safety and should have the tools and ability to be self-sufficient should they get separated from the group and have difficulty.
  8. AFTER RIDE please send non-member count to the SCCC President


IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS about leading a ride or best-practices please contact the Ride Director or the SCCC President. We are here to support you becoming an awesome Ride Leader!